# [British Aerotow Revival 2024; Aerotow conversions](https://aerotow.uk/Conversions) The event runs from 7th to the 13th May 2022 for pilots aerotow rated and current with aerotowing. This note is for: - Senior tow coaches who intend to help hill or winch rated pilots that wish to convert to aerotow before the event, and if not possible continue to gain their conversion during the event. - People who wish to gain their Tow coach rating that allows them to operate with aerotow environment rated pilots (Also requires First Aid and Club coach to complete). - People who wish to gain their aerotow environment rating or have one and wish to become current. Starting early will help the chances of completing conversion before the event. Note that it may take a period of 6 months to convert and need 4, 5 or more days towing during that time. To start the conversion before the event contact one of the Senior Aerotow Coaches and/or join the [Telegram group](https://t.me/+vyliDrSG8Mk4YzU0). Please feel free to contact Donald MacKenzie [07780763775](https://wa.me/+447780763775), Anthony Smith [07875489399](https://wa.me/+447875489399), or Charlie Richardson [07990568191](https://wa.me/+447990568191) for more information in any of the cases below: - Planning for aerotow conversions before the event - Completion of aerotow conversions and development of currency in the 10th - 12th May warm up period before the event - Aerotow conversions during the event (at a discount if you also help with launching at the competition!) Guidance for people new to aerotowing is to expect at least 10 tows at an average of £25 per tow or less before conversion to aerotow environment rating. Each club has its own circumstances, so please start with direct contact to one of the Senior Aerotow Coaches who have offered to make themselves available for conversions. In appreciation of their good deeds, it is welcomed to pay back in kind by contributing in one of the tow groups as ground support, then to become an aerotow coach (including First aid and BHPA club coach), being licenced to operate the radio ([Airband RT](https://www.takeflightaviation.co.uk/uploads/7/2/0/9/72092367/radio_telephony_guide_caa.pdf)), and ultimately Senior Aerotow Coach and/or Tug pilot. ## Senior Aerotow Coaches (or pp contacts) with Tugs that are available to help convert to Aerotow ahead of the event ### [Charlie Richardson](mailto:charlierichardson@btconnect.com) / Cambridge Aerotow Club / Foxtug 582 G-CLBS ### [Anthony Smith](mailto:antsmithbxl@gmail.com) / Midland Aerotow / AX2000 582, XL 462 ### pp [Andy Shaw](mailto:andy@greendragons.co.uk) / Green Dragons Aerotow / Fun 582 ### [Chris Jones](mailto:chris@hgpg.co.uk) / Avon Aerotow Group / XL 462 ### [Russell Marshall](mailto:rmarshall99947@gmail.com) / Devon and Somerset Aerotowing / Fun 582 ### pp [Steve Marnier](mailto:steve.marnier@gmail.com) (Dave Matthews CAC) / Southern Club Aerotow / Fun 582 This event, like the majority of things within hang gliding, is driven by the love of the sport. If you or someone you know can help this event in any way and strengthens our sport please get in touch. Whether it involves helping as a launch marshal, coordinating retrieves, gaining sponsorship, posting on social media or even if you have an idea that you think should be considered, then please reach out. - - - [Nigel Bray](https://t.me/nrbray) -->